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Sex and the Single Girl

Being single... it's a mixed blessing really. There are some absolute fabulous things about being single. I like dating, meeting new people, flirting, not having to answer to anyone, being able to sleep, eat, and get dressed whenever I feel like it. Decorating, pets, and of course being able to watch whatever I want, see whatever movies I want and go to whatever events I want without compromise. That's been fun for me and I have to say being single this past New Year's Eve was one of my proudest moments.

Never in my life had I pictured myself so strong, so confident and so secure in myself. I've had adventures being single and I will always cherish them. That's not to say I'm getting married this weekend or anything, but in case you missed it, you can read this article on how I feel today about weddings and marriage, but for this article, lets stick with being single.

I never thought I was the type of woman who needed a man, or that I

Sex, Self Worth, & Soul Mates

I believe when you meet the person who fits you, that person who you can give everything to, because they in return give you everything, that sex becomes more than the physical, that our lives become more than comfortable, that what we are capable of is more than we imagined.

I believe too often we settle for what's comfortable when we could have what's remarkable.

I believe if that thing our soul seeks wasn't so rare or was easy to find, we'd all have it, then what would it truly be worth?

I believe when we risk, when we reach, when we overcome our fears, we achieve the miraculous.

As many of you may know, I've been exploring the avenues of dominance and submission of late. D/s is not merely about the physical for me, it goes much deeper. I'm a strong woman who is perfectly capable of handling my life on my own. However, I love being submissive because when I'm with the right dom, his safety and protection allows me to reach farther, soar higher, and achieve so much more than I ever could on my own. The satisfaction I find in his dominance, feeds my soul, filling in all the breaks and cracks that life has dealt me. With him, I truly am whole and I think that's exactly how it should work.


The Single Life and Deeper Longings

Being single is a fascinating experience. I know most people tend to experience this in their teens and early twenties, but I didn't. This is my first real time trying out a single lifestyle and while there are parts that are truly draining and aggravating, there are so many facets, that I have to say on the whole, I'm really enjoying this.

Being shy as I tend to be in real life, doesn't help, but when I'm able to get past my nerves, I truly do enjoy dating. I'm one of those annoying girly girl types who enjoys taking two hours to get ready for a date. I like doing my hair and nails, layering on perfume and lotions, deciding what to wear. I love feeling sexy and I love that first moment when you open the door and hope everything came together the way you wanted and the man approves of your effort.

I love first conversations. I love hearing other people's stories. I love learning about their dreams and their experiences. I want to know about their heartache and what brings them joy. Maybe it's the writer in me, but I find life stories fascinating. I also like sharing mine. I love that moment when you find something to connect over. I also like to flirt, I love that moment where you realize, the man is honestly interested. I LOVE first kisses... especially ones that last.

I am notoriously naive and old fashioned however, and I think that's my personal biggest struggle in dating. Many, many, men seem to be of the mindset, how quickly can we get through dinner and get to the sex. Now, don't get me wrong, you know I love sex

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