There is an undeniable connection between sex and creativity, but there are still several schools of thought on the subject. Some think because the second chakra holds both sexuality and creativity, we have to choose between being a sexual being, or being a creative one. That the energy is finite somehow rather than one feeds the other creating an unlimited supply. I am here to tell you that when I am sexually satisfied, I create my most sacred, passionate, beautiful art. I am energized and able to withstand the assaults of the day. I am much more able to be a support system for my friends and I am on the whole, calmer and more focused.
An orgasm sets off the release in our bodies of a deliciously powerful “hormone cocktail” that includes endorphins, our built-in pain relievers; serotonin, one of the body’s mood regulators; dopamine, a neurotransmitter that facilitates feelings of pleasure and enjoyment; oxytocin, also known as “the cuddle hormone”, which increases feelings of trust and bonding, and DHEA, a steroid known to improve brain function and boost the health of the immune system. With all of those natural hormones, chemicals, and neurotransmitters immediately available for free and willing to work on command for us, having at least one orgasm daily simply makes good sense!
It is no secret that I consider myself to be a highly sexual creature, however I am not promiscuous and in fact I tend to be a notorious good girl. I was raised with all the notions that sex was for marriage and marriage alone. It made babies. That's it. The culture that surrounds us does nothing to help us with our sexual acceptance either, if anything, it only leads to more confusion, shame and guilt. After all it is everywhere—in advertising, film, pop songs—but the underlying message always seems to be look don't touch! Well I want to talk to you today about touching... and even more shocking, touching yourself!
Sex is a necessity the same as food, water, and air and if you can open our mind to that truth, and accept your need, I believe you can change your life. I know for a lot of women, masturbation is a dirty word and we are taught that it is a sin and freeing ourselves from various religious, cultural, or morality controls and norms is imperative to really be able to reap all the benefits orgasms have to offer. I mean, after all, even with all those lovely chemicals racing through your blood stream, if you immediately go into guilt and shame mode after, you've just snuffed the life out of your buzz.
Let me ask you this, if you believe in a creator, why on earth did he create you with a cliterous when the ONLY
purpose it has is to produce an orgasm? Yes, I can entertain the argument that it's meant for marriage, but do you really think the god of the universe created our bodies to work as they do and benefit as they do from orgasms, and not want us to have them unless we are bound in a committed relationship with a man who is both willing and able to produce an orgasm in us?
That may be the ideal, but as I'm sure you are aware at this point, life is far from ideal and lets just go over a few of the things the god that created you, built into the way you work.
As a path to stress relief, orgasms work because in the short term, they cause our hearts to beat faster. Orgasms require increases in blood flow and a build-up of muscle tension, that when released, feels like the damn at Niagara Falls has been opened and causes a total release of the day’s tension which has built up within our nervous system. And, if you have trouble sleeping, as many of us do these days, a toe-curling, body-and-mind-relaxing orgasm can be just what your body ordered to help you drift off into a peaceful, soothing sleep.
Orgasms spur the production of the chemical phenethylamine which is known to curb appetite, so treating yourself to an orgasm can help keep you from racing to the refrigerator and making friends with all the goodies inside. So next time you feel like reaching for the cookies, reach for a vibrator instead!
Orgasms have been found to raise the level of Immunoglobin A, an antibody which can boost production of infection-fighting cells in the body, and help strengthen the immune system. So let me ask you again, how would a loving god create such a complex amazing system, then tell you not to use it? He created it for you, it brings him pleasure when you use his gifts. Of this I have no doubt!
Still, religion and lifelong ingrained messages are hard to overcome, but if you are able to embrace your sexuality, yourneed, I truly believe you will be happier, healthier and more balanced in your soul then you ever imagined this then allows you to go out and brush the world with compassion, beauty and love. All things I think most gods stand behind.
I'm here to tell you that if you think sex isn't necessary for a woman and you can go months and sometimes years without having any, you are dead wrong.
Most people will never make the connection between their sexual energy and the key to their creativity. Or their vitality in general. I truly believe to the depths of my soul that all of us benefit from a healthy sex life, but if there is no man in your life, I'm here to tell you, you still need to come!
A new study even suggests that your brain reacts the same way to meditation as it does to sex. Both dissolve our sense of self-awareness, separating ourselves from our ego.
The lead researcher, Gemma O'Brien found that people meditating and having an orgasm both experience "diminution of self-awareness" and "alterations in bodily perception."
When you meditate, the left side of your brain lights up and when you have sex, the right side of your brain lights up -- both experiences leading to a stoppage of mental chatter in your brain and helping you lose physical and mental boundaries. It seems to me that with spirituality and sex, you have a pretty balanced and active brain and I think that's pretty damn cool!
Please don't think I am judging you, or that I think this is necessarily an easy thing for you to accept. I think many women masturbate only when they are about to explode with need and then they tuck the vibe back under the bed and pretend all that didn't just happen. I have struggled with this a lot myself. Lets face it, we'd all like an amazing sex life, but the reality is many of us are single and as I will never support getting into a relationship just for the sake of being in one, or for having a sex partner, that leaves us with few other options. We could engage in a FWB situation or a long string of meaningless affairs, ignore our need completely, or learn to masturbate.
That's right, I said learn.
It has come to my attention that even among women who masturbate, it is a rather cold, fast procedure. We treat ourselves worse then the men we complain about! Ladies, we deserve better and who is going to be better at pleasuring your body then you are? Who knows it better? For myself I know there's one spot on my clit that is WAY more sensitive then any other place. I can only orgasm internally from a vibe and I know exactly when and how to activate my nipples to push my orgasm over the top.
I think one of the biggest mistakes we make as busy women, is to neglect pampering ourselves and giving ourselves moments of bliss. Learning how to please yourself will also benefit your next relationship because he won't have to waste six months trying to figure it out, you can simply show him
Regular orgasms are as vital to a strong healthy life as good nutrition, yoga and meditation. Don't neglect yourself. It may feel strange at first, but make masturbation a regular part of your day and give yourself what you deserve most, a moment of pleasure that ascends to sheer bliss. Your heart will thank you, your brain will thank you and the world at large will thank you as you touch souls with what you were able to create, because you fed your brain properly and balanced your energies.
Five Reasons you need an Orgasm today!
1) Orgasm is a powerful stress-reliever. You release loads of oxytocin at climax, which makes you feel sociable, content, safe and relaxed. In fact, oxytocin is the natural antidote to stress hormones in the body.
2) Anti-aging. People having more sex knock years off their lifespan. Dr. Oz touts a 200 orgasms a year guideline to remove six physiological years off of your life.
3) You’ll unleash your creative genius. Sexual energy is creative energy. Revving it up is a powerful way to summon the muse.
4) Orgasm recalibrates you. It brings you back to yourself. The French term “la petite mort” or “the little death” alludes to the idea of death and rebirth through sexual climax. We all need a place to come undone. When you have this, you return to your daily life feeling rejuvenated and stronger.
5) Orgasms make you beautiful. From the pheromones you emit, which make you more attractive, to the estrogen produced, making hair shiny and skin smooth, well-sexed people radiate. They give off a certain magnetism, a je ne sais quoi that is the afterglow of good lovin’. It wears you for days afterward.
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